5 Quotes & Sayings By Letitia Landon

Letitia Landon is the author of two well-received romantic suspense novels, "The Widow's Guide to Sex and Murder" and "The Deadliest Bride." She has also published three historically based novels about the women who populated the area around Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1700s. She was born in Ohio and now lives in North Carolina with her husband.

Whatever people in general do not understand, they are always...
Whatever people in general do not understand, they are always prepared to dislike; the incomprehensible is always the obnoxious. Letitia Landon
There is a large stock on hand; but somehow or other, nobody's experience ever suits us but our own. Letitia Landon
Ah tell me not that memory Sheds gladness o'er the past What is recalled by faded flowers Save that they did not last? Letitia Landon
No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable. Letitia Landon